The Department focuses on teaching the Science of Nursing; a Science of crucial importance for the individual, family, and society as a whole, aiming at:
- the promotion and maintenance of health;
- the prevention of disease;
- the treatment of disease;
- the restoration of
Field of study:
The holders of a Bachelor’s in Nursing should meet the requirements of the nursing profession. This is achieved by acquiring knowledge, skills, and experience so that they can offer the following services:
- Providing personalized nursing care, which includes promoting and maintaining health, preventing disease and complications, treating any illness, and restoring health, always based on scientific data.
- Applying nursing procedures in daily practice; i.e. clinical assessment of the individual, nursing diagnosis, planning of nursing care, implementation and evaluation of results.
- Providing information and supporting the autonomy and independence of individuals so that they can adapt to real or potential health problems.
- Teaching nursing in educational programs at all levels of nursing education.
- Designing and carrying out research programs to solve problems that arise in nursing practice.
- Evaluating and improving the quality of nursing care, as well as participating in interdisciplinary efforts to ensure quality in health services.
- Designing and realizing primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention and health education programs aimed at individuals and groups in schools, workplaces, as well as other parts of the community.
- Integrating professional values as well as the ethical and legal commitments of nursing in nursing practice.
- Basic research projects’ design and implementation dealing with the development of innovative biomedical applications and tools.