Department of Nursing

Hellenic Mediterranean University


Project Title:The impact of food-derived microRNAs (xenomiRs) in extracellular matrix remodeling and microbiota during malignant melanoma (XeMiBio)

Short description: Food-derived microRNAs (xenomiRs) from the animal and plant kingdoms have been identified to be capable of influencing gene expression. MicroRNAs are able to regulate genes related to extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling and microbiome composition. Both ECM and microbiome are main regulators of tissue homeostasis under healthy and pathological conditions. Among various ECM regulators, we have previously described that lysyl oxidase (LOX) and HSP70 are significantly increased during cancer progression and metastasis. Our previous work highlighted that their inhibition ameliorates the disease progression via inhibition of collagen deposition and immune system modulation. The goal of this study is to identify and evaluate food-derived microRNAs that target LOX, HSP70 or other ECM remodeling molecules, especially collagen, expressed in melanoma cells as well as the impact of these microRNAs in microbiome. In addition, graphene/chitosan nanostructure delivery system of the selected microRNA will be developed for further evaluation in in vivo mouse model in the future. Finally, this study will provide information about the impact of diet from protected geographical indication products in health, as well as during malignant melanoma.

Researchers (HMU): Dr. Minas M. Stylianakis, Asst. Professor – Dr. Athina Patelarou, Assoc. Professor.

Project Coorinator: Dr. Nikolaos Afratis, Asst. Professor (Department of Agriculture Development, Agri-Food and Natural Resources Management – NKUA)

Cooperating Organizations: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Weizmann Institute of Science (Prof. Irit Sagi).

Project Duration: 24 months

Funded by: The Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI) in the frame of “Greece 2.0 Basic Research Financing Action (Horizontal support of all Sciences) Sub-action 1 Funding New Researchers.