Τμήμα Νοσηλευτικής

Ελληνικό Μεσογειακό Πανεπιστήμιο

ASAP Training

Ευρωπαϊκό Πρόγραμμα διάρκειας 24 μηνών με ενεργή συμμετοχή του Τμήματος Νοσηλευτικής στα επιμέρους καθήκοντα “requirements analysis, conceptual design and support for online learning and VCP feeding”.

Έναρξη έργου : 1/1/2019

Κατηγορία έργου: JUSTICE-2017-AG-DRUG, Home Supporting Initiatives in the Field of Drugs Policy 

Acronym: ASAP-Training

Title: Building effective drug prevention results across Europe, based on prevention systems analysis and widespread professional training.

Short description: The ASAP-Training project will work to promote 1) a system and complex approach to drug prevention identifying key stakeholders and conducting system analysis for the EU countries; 2) prevention workforce competencies and skills on quality standards and prevention science through the design and implementation of a two-layered training process: training for Master Trainers, who will be responsible to deliver training on the same contents “on cascade” at national level involving Drug Prevention Professionals. The training design will build on presence and distance learning (blended) for both the training processes. To support distance learning will be developed an integrated platform including an online learning environment and a Virtual Community of Practitioners(VCP) that will also support the sharing of good practices. 3) the adaptation of quality standards in the different country systems applying existing guidelines (EDPQS toolkit#4) to adapt Drug Prevention quality standards to EU countries systems and translating the output of the project in different EU languages 4)mechanisms to allow sustainability of project activities through the creation stakeholders networks (supported by VCP) in the field of drug prevention and the identification of further mechanisms to promote sustainability.

Πληροφόρίες: Χρήστος Κλεισιάρης